Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My thoughts on having a twin sister

On my way into work this morning I listened to the radio as they were discussed what it must be like to have a twin. They had several callers give their opinions on what it's like having someone look like you. For me, I've always really loved it because we are special. I consider my sister my best friend and even though we had to endure many stupid questions over the years it's still really cool to share a birthday with someone.

A sample of dumb questions

If I hit your sister will you feel it?
Why don't you have glasses since your sisters does (I do now)
Do you have the same birthday (DUH!)
Are you the same age?
Do you play tricks on people all the time

I'll never know what it's like not to share a birthday and we have celebrated all of them together. The big 32 is next month and I know we will spend it together having fun and toasting our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like being a twin too :D Adding to the dumb questions..."Can you read each other's minds?"

Can't believe our birthday is next month. Ugh.