Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I locked myself out of the house
On Saturday night we went out to dinner and had a few drinks and then came home to watch a movie. If you haven't seen The Black Dahlia, don't waste your time. It was very slow and boring.
Sunday we lounged around the house and I almost finished my book. It's a really easy read so I'm happy that I have her followup book that I can start right away. When it got dark outside the Stinker and I decided to go outside and look at the stars through the telescope. When we decided to come back in the door was locked. Somehow we locked it and didn't have a key outside or proper clothing! We had gone out in pajams and flip flops and it was starting to get cold.
Lesson learned! Next time we go outside...bring a cellphone and keys. *sigh*
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My thoughts on having a twin sister
A sample of dumb questions
If I hit your sister will you feel it?
Why don't you have glasses since your sisters does (I do now)
Do you have the same birthday (DUH!)
Are you the same age?
Do you play tricks on people all the time
I'll never know what it's like not to share a birthday and we have celebrated all of them together. The big 32 is next month and I know we will spend it together having fun and toasting our day.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Weekend recap and ideas on fixing up the kitchen
Anyway, that's my plan. I'm hoping we can have it painted before my birthday so we can have a party again this year.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Conan's pizza and Amy's ice cream = heaven
Last night we spent our evening having one of the best slices of pizza and then ice cream for dessert. If you have never been to Conan's pizza you are totally missing out. Oh, and Amy's ice cream is the best ice cream ever. I always stick with the coffee with walnuts.
Valentines was spent with my two favorite guys and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Weekend highs and lows
Having dinner at the Roaring Fork on Saturday night. The tuna was to die for. I can't wait to go again.
Seeing my son play his first soccer game. He said, "I think I did GREAT for my first time playing." He really did and I am so proud.
Finally buying a toaster oven. We tried it out last night and it seems to work well for what we need it for.
Starting a new book. (See left side bar)
Seeing my bank account statment on Monday morning.
Burning the hell outta the roof of my mouth on a slice of cheese pizza. It still hurts!
Friday, February 9, 2007
This was our dinner last Friday night. Of course now that the oven is broken our dinner this Friday will not be as scrumptious. We will have to be creative with the stovetop meals and microwave dishes. I'm trying to decide if purchasing a toaster oven is worth it. Do you use one for pizzas, tater tots and other kid friendly dishes in your home? Logan wanted a hot dog last night with tater tots but he had to settle for mac and cheese with the hot dogs since we can make that on the stove. I'm guessing that we should be able to buy a new oven in a week or so but I wonder how long it will take to arrive and install. Hopefully not too long because I want more Salmon on paper plates...
Lots of things planned for this weekend so I'm sure I will have many pictures to share on Sunday. Tonight we are going out with my sister and brother in law to see some bands play and then probably get some dinner. Tomorrow night we plan to celebrate Valentine's Day early. We don't exchange gifts but we do like to have a special dinner and spend time alone.
PS. My sister says that salmon looks gross but I ♥ it and my husband is great at cooking it just like I like! I don't eat red meat, seafood, or chicken but I will have salmon, boars head turkey deli meat (only boars head), and tuna. I guess you could say I'm picky.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Encyclopedia Brown books
These books were my husband's when he was little and he loved them! Logan recently started reading them and he can't get enough. He is always so thrilled when Encyclopedia Brown solves the case. I'm so happy that he enjoys reading because in our home we have books everywhere!
Do they even make this series anymore? I have no idea. I always see Captain Underpants but no detective books for boys his age. I guess I'll have to pay closer attention when we go to the bookstore next time.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
It's gettin' hot in here aka the oven caught fire
I guess we need to take a trip to Lowe's or Home Depot this weekend and uh..charge it!
Monday, February 5, 2007
So many little boxes
I have always loved pretty little boxes. These are on the window set (which is really set to high to actually sit on) in my bathroom. I keep charms in one, rings in another, and so on. I probably need one large jewelry box but haven't seen one that I like as much as all these boxes. I love how they are all unique and they add some color to the room.
Friday, February 2, 2007
The Stinkers Bathroom aka my son's
Click on pictures to see full view
The master bathroom and my sons are the same (faucet, cabinet, paint) expect for the shower curtain and accessories. His bathroom has a jungle theme which he loves because his bedroom is an ocean theme so he gets both worlds!
I think the elephant without a brain is kinda weird but also cute. I'll try and take pictures of the trashcan (giraffe on it) and the shower curtain (monkeys) sometime this weekend. We rarely have guests over so there wasn't a need to make the bathroom an adult room. Logan uses it the most so I think having him decorate it with things he loves is really important.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Office supplies
I believe the items on your desk should be things that make you smile and reflect some of your personality. I love my Eeyore cup and on the side it says Popular Pessimist. My office is always cold so I drink hot tea or hot chocolate in it. My mouse pad is from The Nightmare Before Christmas which is one of my favorite movies. The little pig is something an ex coworker passed on to me when she left our company and I think he's really cute. And of course...my red stapler. Nobody better take my red Swingline stapler! Ha, Ha! (Haven't you seen Office Space?)