Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saving money

Now that I may half of what I used to we really need to cut costs. One of the things we decided we needed to cut back on was eating out and junk from the grocery store. We used to spend $250 - $280 every two weeks on groceries and that was just too much. Our goal was to spend $150 when we went yesterday and we did pretty good because we spent $172! Instead of throwing anything into the cart we wrote down meal plans and stuck with it. I think our problem before was that we always bought too many snack foods and not enough meals for the week. I feel really proud of us. We also took all our canvas bags to the store and didn't need to waste more plastic bags. Go us!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Good for you! We've been trying to do the same... we are at about $80 for a week right now. STill working our way down!