Thursday, May 1, 2008

Playing outside

IMG_2129, originally uploaded by House on the Corner.

We are still trying to potty train Oscar but he is doing great so far! He loves being in the tall grass and is such a great joy to have.

The house projects are on hold right now but hopefully the floors will be next.


Jennifer said...

What a cutie! Good luck with the potty training... we had the best luck with the Three Treat Method... every time they go potty or poo outside they get THREE yummy treats and a potty dance. Kirby was potty trained so fast... and he STILL poos and pees immediately upon getting outside, just hoping for that treat!

House on the Corner said...

Thanks. We have been doing the treat method so and this week has been better. I think when his bladder can learn to hold it longer it will be much better around here!