Friday, January 5, 2007

Antique radio

This is the radio that is now in our dining room. I love it and think it goes with the style of our home.

Old radio

Old radio

Old radio

Old radio

And since this is in our dining area and we haven't had our cookbooks and cooking magazine in one place I thought this would be perfect. The top shelf has our cookbooks on it and the bottom one has a basket with only cooking magazines. I think it's perfect!

Old radio


jake said...

What a great radio/cabinet/bookshelf/turntable! Does any of it work? I really miss having a record player. Ive got at least a couple hundred LPs and nothing to play them on :/

House on the Corner said...

It does work! Well, the radio does at least. We haven't tried the LP player yet.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.