Thursday, January 25, 2007

Corner of my bedroom

Corner of my bedroom, originally uploaded by House on the Corner.

I really wish I could be back at home under my covers. I feel out of sorts this morning. My son forgot his lunchbox this morning when he walked out to the bus stop so I hurried up and ran out the door to take it to him before I had to be at work. I start my job at 7:30 am and school also starts at 7:30 so I really had to hustle to make it on time. I got there as soon as he was walking off the bus and he seemed so surprised that I was there. He said, "I didn't think you'd bring it to me this early!" Whew! So now I'm sitting here without my coffee and without makeup but it was worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We live across the street from the elem...I've done the same thing many times. I love the look on their sweet little faces...when you hand the lunch over.

Thanks for stopping by!!!