Thursday, January 4, 2007

A pack rat no longer!

Now that we aren't able to get into the closet easily I realize that I have too many clothes that I don't wear or don't need. When they started working on the bathrooms I grabbed some clothes that I liked and kept them in the spare room closet because it was too difficult to crawl over the rubble to get to the closet. So I got rid of three huge trash bags full of clothes - jeans, PJ's, pants, shirts. I won't even miss those things because obviously if I haven't worn them since the renovations started then I really won't ever wear them. It feels like such a relief to rid myself of all this extra baggage. Tonight I hope to go through my shoes and purses and then maybe I'll tackle the kitchen.

I am a huge pack rat so doing this is a big step. I want to simplify our life and unclutter our home this year and I'm off to a good start. Do I really need 10 hoodies and 15 pair of pajamas? I think not.


Debbie At B's Purses said...

Your blog (very cute) came up in my mail because you mentioned purses on it. If your interested....check out this awesome company where you can design your own bags. My blog is
Thanks and have great day

House on the Corner said...

Thanks! I'll check out that site and your blog too. :)