Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A way to get off the couch this summer?

Texas is so hot that we end up staying indoors most of the summer. I thought about getting a Wii fit but haven't heard many people talking about it. If you have one do you like it? Can you feel some improvement? Since I'm not spending my money on paying that guy to remove the wallpaper I thought I'd treat myself to the Wii fit.

Did I mention how sore my arms are from yesterday? Ouch!


Zay said...

i'm tempted to get a wii fit too. i've been watching people play it on youtube and it looks fun but maybe repetitive. dunno.

House on the Corner said...

I checked out some videos on youtube also. My friend said she liked it and thought it was worth the money. I think I will get one this week.

Zay said...

do you have small children? if so...i like watching the small kids stick the wii controller in their pocket and then start to jog for like hours on one of the running games...great way to tire them out. haha.